
Getting a Google Doc signed doesn't have to be hard

Installing the Google Workspace Marketplace Add-On

Please Sign Me can be installed by visiting our Google Workspace Marketplace listing from any logged in Google account. You can click here now to visit the Google Workspace Marketplace.

Installation has two options: 
1. Individual install -- which only installs the add-on for the current user.
2. Admin install -- which installs the add-on for all users in your Google Workspace domain.

There is nothing to download.

What Permissions Are Required?

We value your privacy and we have no desire to retain any of your data.

The add-on requires permission be granted to several aspects of your Google account. We have designed everything to only utilize the data required to perform the service, and we never access any of your data unnecessarily. We also never download or keep your data in any way.

Google Drive access is required in order to read the documents you want us to, manage documents being signed, and then place the final signed PDF into your Google Drive.

Gmail access is required in order to send signature requests on your behalf.

What data do you have?

We store your email address and record that you are customer.

About Signers

Each document needs at least one signer in order to be valid.

The first step when running the add-on is to add a signer. A signer has a name and an email address which are used to assign fields to them and contact them with the request to sign.

You may add as many signers to a document as you wish. Simply click "+ Add Signer" to add an additional signer.

Deleting a signer is easy. First select the signer you wish to delete, then click "Delete signer". Confirm you wish to delete it and they will be removed.

Assigning Signers

Assigning a signer to a field is as easy as selecting the field you wish to assign, then selecting the desired signer from the dropdown pane.

Signer must be added before they can be selected for field assignment.

About Fields

A document must have at least one field before it can be sent.

A field is a placeholder for future input. It indicates where you want someone to fill out information, such as their name, date, other text, a checkmark, or a signature.

Fields look like this: {{ First Name }}

Note that a field is any text that is surrounded by curly brackets. It requires two open curly brackets {{ and two closing curly brackets }}.

A field's name is defined by the text between the curly brackets. So {{ First Name }} is an example of a field named "First Name", and {{ Client Signature }} would be titled "Client Signature". Color, font type, size, and other options don't affect a field.

You may place a field anywhere in your document!

Once a field is placed, you can manage it via the Please Sign Me add-on. Our add-on automatically detects fields in your document, and presents them to you, referring to them by their name.

Field Options

Fields consist of a field name, field type, who it is assigned to, and whether it is required during the signing process.

Field name — this is the label for your field, which is also how the field is referred to in the document. Example: {{ This is the field name }}.

Field type — the type of field to present during the signing phase. See the section on field types for more information.

Assigned to — If you have multiple people all signing the same document then you must assign your fields to them. Before you can assign a field, you must first add a signer.

Required — Not all fields may be mandatory. You can decide here which fields are required during the signing process.

Field Types

These are the types of fields we support:
Text input — this is the default type and allows any typed text to be input

Date input — presents a date picker to the person signing your document

Date signed — an automatic field that only fills date the document is signed

Checkbox — turns into a simple checkbox option for the person signing, which looks like ✓ or ☐

Signature — allows the person signing to draw their signature

Assigning Fields

Assigning a signer to a field is as easy as selecting the field you wish to assign, then selecting the desired signer from the dropdown pane.

Signer must be added before they can be selected for field assignment.

Field Examples

Here are some ideas for fields you might find useful.

{{ work start date }} — Field type Date input. Allow the signer to indicate a specific date; in this example, when their work will begin.

{{ signature date }} — Field type Date signed. This will automatically insert the date the document was signed.

{{ Client name }} — Field type Text input, required, assigned to the client. Allows the client to input their own name.

{{ Client signature }} — Field type Signature, required, assigned to the client. Allows the client to add their signature.

{{ Contractor name }} — Field type Text input, required, assigned to yourself, the contractor. Allows you to input your own name.

{{ Contractor signature }} — Field type Signature, required, assigned to yourself, the contractor. Allows you to sign your own document.

Fish: {{ fish }}, Beef: {{ beef }}, Vegetarian: {{ vegetarian }} — Field type Checkbox, not required. Multiple checkboxes give the signer a choice; in this example, the type of meal they are requesting at your event.

Multiple account or permission denied issues

Google has a known bug where add-ons can't tell which Google account is being used. The quick fix is to log out of all Google accounts but the one which is being used and has access to the document.

Learn more about multiple account issues.